Phone : 0086-13969867578

Plastic Machinery Manufacturer
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Address: No. 128 B, Binzhou Road, Fu’an Industrial Park, Jiaozhou City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province
Contact: Sun Caiyun
Phone: 008613969867578



I  带子简介



2. 抗震性:由于其延展性和变形后的恢复性,纤维包装带比钢带能更好地吸收冲击能量,并且在货物收缩或膨胀后不会松动。包装后,不会长时间松弛,有效吸收运输过程中的振动,确保货物在长途运输中具有优异的抗冲击性,


安全性:轻便柔软,无需戴手套工作;当它被切断时,它不会爆炸并伤害运输工人和客户。由于质地柔软,使用过的胶带不仅非常容易处理,而且质地柔软。同时,它可以保护产品表面不被划伤 .


5.不生锈、不变质:纤维包装带能承受各种气候条件的变化,在130°C下能正常工作,具有良好的耐腐蚀性,也能在海水中工作,不会污染您的产品 .

● 带扣强度高:捆扎带采用钢扣连接,是最牢固的连接方式,可反复拉紧;在某些应用中,包装带、皮带扣和皮带扣可以重复使用.

● 安全使用:轻便柔软,无需戴手套工作;当它被切断时,它不会弹出并伤害运输工人和客户;由于质地柔软,使用过的胶带也很容易处理;无尖锐棱角,叉车轮胎在存放过程中不会损坏.

对产品无损伤:柔软的质地可保护产品表面不被划伤 .

● 不生锈、不变质:能承受各种气候条件的变化,不会污染您的产品.


II What are the tensile properties of the tape:

1. High strength and strong material like steel;

2. Light and soft, weighing less than 20% of the iron sheet;

3. There are no sharp edges that will damage the goods and will not scratch the workers during use;

4. It will not rust or rot or deform;

5. It is applicable to a wide range of temperature and climate, and can work normally at – 40 ℃ – 130 ℃;

6. Strong linearity and system tension;

7. It can cushion huge impact during transportation;

8. Good flexibility, no deformation, high crossing and folding;

9. High efficiency, convenient and fast use, less waste, safe use and removal (recyclable).


Width of strap 带子宽度 Tensile strength 强度 Weight of each meter strap


32mm 2600kg 36g
32mm 2000kg 30g
25mm 1440kg 22g
25mm 1250kg 22g
19mm 920kg 16g
16mm 690kg 11g
13mm 488kg 9.3g

III  machinery introduction

我公司结合美国和意大利的设备优势和我们长期的经验,设计和制造高效率、低能耗、高质量的包装带设备。我们向土耳其出口了多台机器。以下是我们的机器零件介绍 .

1.  fiber release system




  装纱方便,保护纱不断裂 .


2. heating oven for the yarn

use to remover water from the yarn. ensure produce high quality straps.

consist of heating bars , fiber circle rollers , bearing, tension wheels.

all the oven body made by double layer , inner layer has insulation material to keep the thermal .

 bears adopt NSK brand

3. extruder

special design screw and barrel for yarn straps.

4. mould and die head



模具制作工艺 :


  • 意大利风格设计,可高速生产高品质皮带.
  • 大的模腔,保证压力稳定,生产稳定。保持皮带的高质量
  • Raw material : copper and mould steel
  • High precision CNC lathe processing
  • Each size straps need each mould separately
  • Change the mould very easy .
  • 通过纤维通过模具技术,来自意大利这是该机的核心技术。因为您需要经常更换纤维(每个纤维筒管5公斤),我们的设计可以节省工人每天至少2小时更换模具和纤维的时间.
  • 5. other details

our machine is used to produce straps for famous company: